knitting: What stories do we tell when we investigate?


Mariana Alvarado (ed)
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo - CONICET (Argentina)
Keywords: Philosophy, Critic, Discussion


We form a community of questioning and inquiry in which we stress and critically investigate the ways in which we do research and intervene in various territories. We tried –both in the meetings and in the production of these materials– to move away from the canonical formats –exhibition, class, presentation, articles– and explore other forms of collective and participatory construction of knowledge –co-authored writings, recording in notes, fictionalized narratives, chronicles, conjectural scripts.

This work underwent a collective and constructive evaluation by peer researchers, teachers, thesis students and fellows, authors of the writings that make it up in open format during the writing process and during the editing process.


  • Foreword
    Adriana María Arpini
  • about the materials that we share here
    Mariana Alvarado
  • self-management files
    Nazareno Bravo, Mariana Alvarado
  • plotting relationalities with care. a germinal writing
    Vanessa Ivana Monfrinotti Lescura, Natalia Beatriz Fischetti
  • about the precariousness of sexual citizenship: right to abortion and comprehensive sexual education in Mendoza and San Luis
    Romina Accossatto, Andrea Cristina Cacace Mini
  • dictatorships pass, the powers remain, the ties that unite us, too
    Mercedes Molina Galarza
  • a pedagogical arc
    Gabriel Liceaga
  • between conjectural scripts and queer pedagogies
    Alejandra Olaiz
  • not to do
    Camila Kevorkian, Mariana Alvarado
  • notes and questions to think community(ies) from a southern feminism
    Mariana Guerra, Gabriel Liceaga, Victoria Martínez, Mariana Alvarado
  • rural/urban youth identities: political participation and world of work
    Carla Rosales, Octavio Stacchiola
  • “I see, I feel”. investigate / weave / (re)remember
    Mariana Alvarado, Natalia Beatriz Fischetti
Cover for knitting: What stories do we tell when we investigate?
July 3, 2023