Exercises on the Postponed. Postcolonial writings


Alejandro De Oto (ed)
Universidad Nacional de San Juan - CONICET
Keywords: Philosophy, Coloniality, Postcolonial, Global South


The essays collected in this volume are the result of the work carried out by the members of the project “Morphologies of coloniality in research in human sciences and philosophy. Materials, devices, discourses ”from the Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts of the National University of San Juan, Argentina. As the name of the publication announces, each work shows a particular way of approaching what we agree to call the postponed. […] We know that no theory is infallible and impartial, and that all are inextricably linked with a history and a geography. Precisely for this reason, we were interested (inquire, review, find out) how it is that in some the policy of selection of certain problems and situations –and the exclusion of others– is done with the purpose of persevering in a relationship of epistemological privilege and political. That is to say, although theories are never complete, this does not mean that the selection of the problems of interest is carried out without discretion. It always counts what commitment and what time and space we have assumed. […] In our case, an epistemological synchrony became clear between some self-perceived theories as universal and the constitutive, segregative and violent articulation of those excluded from that universality. In the language that our cultural and epistemological neighborhood speaks, this is called coloniality, a massive but at the same time secret language that translates itself in the different corners of the Global South (from Book Introduction).

This publication has gone through a peer review with the double blind system.


  • Introduction
    Alejandro De Oto, Cristina Pósleman
  • With Fanon's writing at hand: theories, travels and representations
    Alejandro De Oto
  • Notes for a micro reading of the colonial unconscious
    Cristina Pósleman
  • Arendt rereading in a postcolonial key. For an analysis of postponements
    Paula Ripamonti
  • From the tragic experience of the epidermis to the interruption of temporality. Frantz Fanon and the inventive provocation of the postponed
    Carlos Aguirre Aguirre
  • Among the delay and deferral: Approaches to an epistemological regime of postponements
    María Rita Moreno
  • Interrupted postponements: between Anzaldúa and Fanon
    Mariana Noel Guerra Pérez
  • (un) folds of double imaginary
    Matilde Belén Escobar Negri
  • Between translations and symptoms: or the delayed notion of "civilization" in postcolonial Latin American criticism
    Douglas Kristopher Smith
  • Poiesis of Latin American cinema in the face of the postponements of the aporia of postcolonial emancipation
    Carla Grosman
  • Overlapping writings, intersecting stories: a comparative reading of Borges and Césaire
    Marcelo Silva Cantoni

Author Biographies

Alejandro De Oto, Universidad Nacional de San Juan - CONICET

orcid_20x209.png https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2704-1123

CONICET Independent Researcher at the National Institute of Philosophy of San Juan (UNSJ).
He was a history teacher at the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Argentina and directed the Master of Arts at the same university. He is a professor of Philosophical Research Methodology at UNSJ. He received his doctorate from the Center for Asian and African Studies at El Colegio de México, has been a Research Fellow at Brown University and participated in the African Series Seminar at the University of Cape Town as a lecturer, among other activities. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on postcolonial criticism and travel literature. He is the author of several books, notably Frantz Fanon. Politics and Poetics of the Postcolonial Subject (Mexico), a work that received the 2005 “Frantz Fanon Prize for Outstanding Book in Caribbean Thought” from the Caribbean Philosophical Association. In this association he has been elected to the Secretariat of Philosophies of the South and Fanonian Studies (Secretary of Philosophies of the South and Fanonian Studies).

Cristina Pósleman, Universidad Nacional de San Juan

orcid_20x20.png https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9986-6183

Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Chile, teacher and researcher at the National University of San Juan UNSJ. She directs the Institute of Visual Expression belonging to the Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts (UNSJ). Is a member of the Academic Committee for the Doctorate in Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts, UNSJ).
Co–directs the Research Project “Conceptual and categorical modulations. Postcolonial Criticism / Post-structuralist Philosophies” (CICITCA – Institute of Philosophy / FFHA / UNSJ– Period: 2018–2020). She is a member of the Deleuze and Guattari Latin American Studies Network (REELD & G) for the interdisciplinary development of knowledge in philosophy, aesthetics and politics (www.deleuzeguattarilatino.com).

Paula Ripamonti, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina

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Doctor and Professor in Philosophy (UNCUYO, Argentina). Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Letters and Law of UNCUYO and at the Higher Institute of Teaching and Technical Training 9–001. Postgraduate teacher in seminars, master's degrees and specializations. Visiting professor at the National University of San Luis (Argentina), at the Autonomous University of Querétaro (Mexico) and at the State University of Mato Grosso (Brazil). Research stay for teaching mobility abroad at CSIC (Madrid, Spain). Researcher in the fields of philosophy, education and the history of Latin American ideas with projects financed by UNCUYO, CONICET and INFOD (Ministry of Education of the Nation). She has also carried out educational and curricular management and as an evaluator in public organizations. Founding member of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Philosophy at School (CIIFE – UNCUYO) and directs Saberes y prácticas. Journal of Philosophy and Education ISSN 2525–2089. She has coordinated books and is the author of chapters and articles in scientific publications related to practical philosophy and education.

Carlos Aguirre Aguirre, Universidad Nacional de San Juan - CONICET


orcid_20x202.png https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7924-9399

PhD candidate in Philosophy (National University of Córdoba, Argentina). Master in Latin American Studies (National University of Cuyo, Argentina). Degree in Social Communication (Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile). Latin American doctoral fellow (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research CONICET), Institute of Philosophy (National University of San Juan, Argentina). Member of the Academic Committee of the Center for Research and Studies in Postcolonial Theory and member of the CICITCA-UNSJ project (2018-2020) “Morphologies of coloniality in research in human sciences and philosophy. Materials, devices, speeches ”. He has published articles and book chapters on Latin American visualities, postcolonial criticism, and contemporary Caribbean thought. His master's thesis analyzes the problem of coloniality and the between-place in the essay work of the Brazilian filmmaker Glauber Rocha. His ongoing doctoral research studies the critique of modernity and the problem of the colonized body in the writings of Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon.

María Rita Moreno, Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales INCIHUSA – CONICET

orcid_20x203.png https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0858-4077

Doctor in Philosophy from the National University of Cuyo and CONICET postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Human, Social and Environmental Sciences (INCIHUSA). She is a professor of Introduction to Philosophy at the Faculty of Law and Comprehension and production of academic texts at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, at the National University of Cuyo, Argentina. He has published articles and book chapters on critical theory topics. Participates in research groups linked to critical studies of modernity.

Mariana Noel Guerra Pérez, Universidad Nacional de San Juan - CONICET

orcid_20x204.png https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2452-3298

PhD candidate in Philosophy at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Graduated in Philosophy from the National University of San Juan, Argentina. Doctoral fellow at CONICET – UNSJ. Her research topic is “An epistemological-semiotic-political alternative situated from decolonial feminism in dialogue and tensions with Latin American feminisms”, directed by Drs. Mariana Alvarado and Alejandro De Oto. Head of Practical Works in the chair "Philosophy and knowledge" in the Department of Letters – FFHA – UNSJ. Editor-in-chief of the magazine Interstitios de la politica y la cultura. Latin American interventions of the UNC.

Matilde Belén Escobar Negri, Universidad Nacional de San Juan - CONICET

orcid_20x205.png https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1967-1512

CONICET postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, UNSJ. She was a professor in linguistics and discursive theory and practice at the UNPSJB. She served as co-editor of the cultural supplement of Diario El Chubut. Doctor of Letters at UNCUYO and has been a Research Fellow at UFSC, Brazil. He has published articles and book chapters on literary criticism, literary and cultural studies, as well as various writings in the media. She is the author of the books: dobles. Una poética poscolonial de la diferencia y (a)cerca del doble. Una aproximación teórico–literaria al motivo del doble from texts by Carlos Fuentes and Javier Marías. Editor, proofreader and translator for international labels and author of several literary creation books, among which are: Sycorax singing and screaming with a broken body (Spanish-English).

Douglas Kristopher Smith, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

orcid_20x206.png https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1304-0362

Professor at the Institute of Literature and Language Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso. He is a candidate for the Doctorate in Latin American Studies at the Center for Latin American Cultural Studies (CECLA) of the University of Chile, finishing his thesis with the guiding professor Dr. Claudia Zapata Silva. He did a research stay for his doctoral thesis with Dr. Alejandro De Oto at the National University of San Juan. He obtained his Master's degree in Hispanic Studies from Concordia University, in Montreal, Canada, and was a visiting scholar at the School of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Ottawa. He is also a translator of texts in the field of humanities.

Carla Grosman, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - CONICET, Argentina

orcid_20x207.png https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0236-5794

Degree in Filmmaking from the National University of Córdoba (2000). Master of Arts (2006) and Ph D. (2013) in Latin American Cultural Studies from The University of Auckland, New Zealand. She is currently a CONICET Postdoctoral fellow, she investigates urban imaginary of young San Juan cinema from the Visual Expression Institute of the National University of San Juan. Complete the second doctorate in Communication Studies at Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand) researching Argentine community cinema and democracy. She is the author of La alegoría del Viajero inmóvil. Utopía y Neoliberalismo en el cine latinoamericano (Madrid: Apeiron, 2018), translated into English as Utopia and Neoliberalism in Latin American Cinema. The allegory of the Motionless Traveler (Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2018). Her book El espectro de la ausencia: Cine argentino de postdictadura como renarración de la memoria colectiva was awarded the “Leónidas Escudero” award in 2019 to be published in 2020 by the Editorial Fund of the San Juan Legislature.

Marcelo Silva Cantoni, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

orcid_20x208.png https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3470-3877

Candidate for Doctor of Letters at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, as a fellow of the Secretariat of Science and Technology at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina (UNC). Graduated in Modern Letters from the UNC. He published articles and reviews in magazines such as Recial, Intersticios de la cultura y la política, Heterotopías y Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana. He is the author of the book El desierto y sus silencios: imaginarios poscoloniales de nación en Argentina (in press), a work that obtained second place in the Essay category, of the Jorge Leonidas Escudero 2019 award. He is an assistant professor in the French Speaking Literature Chair ( FFyH – UNC) and as an attached professor in the chair Theories of Social Discourse II (FfyH – UNC).


Cover for Exercises on the Postponed. Postcolonial writings
August 15, 2020