Frantz Fanon and Édouard Glissant: eleven essays from the South


Alejandro De Oto (ed)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina)
Karina Bidaseca (ed)
CONICET - Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina).
Keywords: postcolonial, Fanon, Glissant, South


Each of the essays gathered in this volume brings to the fore through conversations, agonal readings, and perspectives, different ways of establishing contacts with the pasts we call postcolonial, which breathe and inhabit the writings of Frantz Fanon and Édouard Glissant. We call them postcolonial because the understanding of that term, in the numerous ways of approaching it that it has had in the last 40 years, leads us to a close relationship with everything that in our age and geography remains open, in dispute and is subject to intervention. against modern colonialism.


  • Introduction
  • 1 / Notes for a fanonian critique of the present
    Cristina Pósleman
  • 2 / The permanent invention
    Carlos Aguirre Aguirre
  • 3 / L'oeil se noie and its links to the work and life of Frantz Fanon
    Juan Pablo Cedriani
  • 4 / Frantz Fanon. Entre signos, lenguas y contratos
    Alejandro De Oto
  • 5 / Fanonian demarcations in the political-pedagogical writing of Paulo Freire
    Inés Fernández Mouján
  • 6 / Still about Frantz Fanon: 60 years of The Damned and 70 of Black Skin
    Deivinson Mendes Faustino
  • 7 / Desire and subjectivity from the perspectives of Fanon and Glissant
    Senda Sferco
  • 8 / The underwater communion
    Manuel Rebón
  • 9 / Mirages in the sea. Fanonian and Glissantian traces in the letters and visual arts of Grada Kilomba and Aline Motta
    Karina Bidaseca
  • 10 / On the concept of "history" in Édouard Glissant and Sylvia Wynter
    Luis Adrián Mora Rodríguez
  • 11 / From the geopolitics of domination to a transmodern cosmopolitics of the relationship
    José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado
  • Authors' notice

Author Biographies

Alejandro De Oto, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina)

Principal Investigator of CONICET at the Institute of Philosophy (UNSJ, Argentina). He was a history teacher at the National University of Patagonia S. J. B., Argentina and directed the Master of Letters at the same university. He is Professor of Philosophical Research Methodology (UNSJ). He received his doctorate from the Center for Asian and African Studies of El Colegio de México, has been a Research Fellow at Brown University and participated in the African Series Seminar at the University of Cape Town as a speaker, among other activities. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on postcolonial criticism and travel writing. He is the author of several books. The most prominent is Frantz Fanon. Politics and poetics of the postcolonial subject (Mexico) who received the 2005 Frantz Fanon Prize for Outstanding Book in Caribbean Thought from the Caribbean Philosophical Association. In this association he was Secretary for Southern Philosophies and Fanonian Studies. He is a member of the Center for Research and Studies in Postcolonial Theory, CIETP (UNR, Argentina).

Karina Bidaseca, CONICET - Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina).

CONICET Principal Investigator at the Interdisciplinary School of Higher Social Studies, National University of San Martín. Post-doctorate in Social Sciences PUC–Sao Paulo/Universidad de Manizales/COLEF/FLACSO and CLACSO. PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. She is a guest at the Center for African Studies of the University of Lisbon, Portugal and at the University of the Balearic Islands. She is a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, University of San Martín and in postgraduate (Argentina). She coordinates the South South Program, the Epistemologies of the South Working Group and the Specializations in Afro-Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Epistemologies of the South at CLACSO / CES University of Coimbra. She is a member of the GT Afrodescendencies and counter-hegemonic proposals in CLACSO and the University of the African Diaspora. She has written numerous books on postcolonial studies, studies of the poetics of relationship in Glissant, and decolonial feminisms and situated feminist aesthetics. Her latest books are: Ana Mendieta. Bird of the ocean, and as coordinator Love as a poetics of the relationship. Feminist discussions and decolonial artivisms (CLACSO and El misma mar).

Cristina Pósleman, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina)

Doctor in Philosophy with mention in Aesthetics and Theory of Art (UCH–Chile), Master in Philosophy with mention in Axiología and Political Theory (UCH–Chile). She directs the Instituto de Expresión Visual de la FFHA–UNSJ (Argentina), where she works as an Investigator. She is holder of the Chair of Philosophy in the Career of Law, in the FACSO–UNSJ (Argentina). She is part of the Academic Committee of the Doctorate in Philosophy of the UNSJ (Argentina). She forms part of the Deleuze and Guattari Latin American Studies Network for the interdisciplinary development of knowledge in philosophy, aesthetics and politics (Chile). Her studies focus on the cross between contemporary French philosophy and Caribbean and Latin American philosophical studies. Her last works address the problem of the constitutive asymmetries of the social, political, aesthetic and sexual contract as the basis of the project of modernity / coloniality.

Carlos Aguirre Aguirre, CONICET - Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina).

Doctor in Philosophy (UNC, Argentina). Magister in Latin American Studies (UNCUYO, Argentina). Degree in Social Communication (UPLA, Chile). Postdoctoral Fellowship of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigations (CONICET) at the Institute of Philosophy of the National University of San Juan, Argentina. Member of the Center for Research and Studies in Postcolonial Theory (CIETP) and the Institute of Argentine and American Philosophy (IFAA). He integrates research projects on critical philosophies of modernity and postcolonial theory. His doctoral thesis is entitled La noche de la invention: Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire and the genesis of a philosophy of the colonized body. His areas of investigation are postcolonial criticism, Latin American philosophy, Caribbean and antillian thinking of the 20th century, and cultural studies. He has published book chapters and articles in national and foreign academic journals.

Juan Pablo Cedriani, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Argentina)

Originally from Río Cuarto, Argentina; es Profesor y Licenciado en Filosofía (UNRC, Argentina). There he works as a teacher since 2013 and continues. Studying his studies there, in 2007 he read a mecanographic transcription, by Ofelia Schutte titled “Towards an understanding of Latin American Philosophy”. On page 11 he was waiting for “The case of Frantz Fanon”.
However, in 2022 he continues to read and write with Fanon, in particular, to complete the Doctorate in Social Studies of Latin America, CEA (UNC, Argentina) and in general, while participating in academic events, study groups and related research..

Alejandro De Oto, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina

Principal Investigator of CONICET at the Institute of Philosophy (UNSJ, Argentina). He was a professor of history at the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia S.J.B., Argentina and directed the Masters in Letters at the same university. He is professor of Metodología de la Investigación Filosófica (UNSJ). He received his doctorate at the Centro de Estudios de Asia y África de El Colegio de México, has been a Research Fellow at Brown University and has participated in the African Series Seminar at the University of Cape Town as a lecturer, among other activities. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on postcolonial criticism and travel literature. He is the author of several books. The most outstanding is Frantz Fanon. Politics and poetics of the postcolonial subject (Mexico) which received in 2005 the “Frantz Fanon Prize for Outstanding Book in Caribbean Thought” from the Caribbean Philosophical Association. In this association he was Secretary of Philosophies of the South and Fanonian Studies. He is part of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Teoría Poscolonial, CIETP (UNR, Argentina).

Inés Fernández Mouján, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Teoría Poscolonial, CIETP - Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina).

Doctor and Licentiate in Educational Sciences (UBA, Argentina). She is a professor and researcher at the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata and the Profesorado Pueblos de América de la Villa 21–24 de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is part of the International Editorial Committee of the Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, USP, Brazil and of the Magazine Debates Insubmissos, UFPE, Brazil. She directs the Paulo Freire Institute, Mar del Plata, Argentina and is a member of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Teoría Poscolonial, CIETP (UNR, Argentina).

Deivinson Mendes Faustino, Programa de Posgrado en Trabajo Social y Políticas Sociales (UNIFESP, Brasil).

Graduated in Sociology (Fundação Santo André, Brazil), Magíster in Ciencias de la Salud (Facultad de Medicina de ABC, Brazil) and Doctor in Sociología (UFSCar, Brazil) with an exchange at the Faculty of Philosophy (UCONN, USA), has a postdoc. Degree in Clinical Psychology (USP, Brazil). He is a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Social Work and Social Policies (UNIFESP, Brazil) and a researcher of contemporary anti-racist thinking and the relationship between capitalism, colonialism and racialization. He is the author of ten works on Frantz Fanon and fanonism, among which stand out the books “Frantz Fanon: a revolutionary, particularly black” (2018); “Frantz Fanon and the crossroads: theory, politics and subjectivity” (2022) and “Digital colonialism: towards a hacker–fanonian critique” (2022).

Senda Sferco, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

Anthropologist (UNR, Argentina), Master in Cultural and Artistic Studies (STSI Indonesia), Doctor in Social Sciences (UNQ, Argentina) and Doctor in Philosophy (U. Paris 8, France). She works as a researcher at CONICET in Argentina and at the Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani at the UBA, and as a professor of Philosophical Anthropology at the FHyC at UNL (Argentina). A scholar of the field of contemporary French philosophical and political thought, she has specialized in the thought of Michel Foucault, in his current interlocutors and receptions, in order to investigate the problematization of the temporality that governs the production of subjectivity and political action in our news

Manuel Rebón, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Essayist, translator and editor, Doctor in Social Sciences, Magíster in Communication and Culture, Licenciado and Professor in Communication Sciences (UBA, Argentina). He works as a graduate and postgraduate teacher at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes and at the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. In the last few years, he has published the books Lasdistas del olvido (Colihue, 2010) and Traducir(se) (Ubu Ediciones, 2014) and book chapters (prologues of Poética de la Relación, and Filosofía de la Relación, both by Édouard Glissant; Libertad sin poesía, by Claudio Martyniuk; El rhythm y ladista, by Emmanuel Biset; Trece llanos, by Margarita Martínez and El oído inalámbrico, by Norberto Cambiasso). He has also translated works from French and Portuguese.

Luis Adrián Mora Rodríguez, Universidad de Costa Rica (COsta Rica) - Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de Nantes (Francia)

Doctor in Philosophy from the University of Sorbona (Paris), Master in Political Philosophy from the University of Paris X (Nanterre), Master in Administration and Economics from the Escuela de Estudios Económicos y Comerciales (ESSEC, France). He is a full professor and researcher at the University of Costa Rica (Escuela de Estudios Generales y Escuela de Filosofía). Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Nantes (France). His works were centered on the philosophical thought of the 15th and 16th centuries, the philosophical issues linked to imperialism and the conquest of America and Africa, the problem of the body and decolonial theory. He is currently researching Caribbean philosophical thinking and its interlocutions with Latin American philosophy.

José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México)

Doctor in Political Philosophy, by the UAM–Iztapalapa. Titular Researcher C, Definitive, at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities. Member of the National System of Level II Investigators. He has been a professor at the faculties of Economics, Political and Social Sciences, and Philosophy and Letters, de la unam, and an invited professor at other universities abroad. His work Asedios a la totalidad. Power and politics in modernity, from a de–colonial perspective (Barcelona, ​​Anthropos–CEIICH–UNAM, 2012), I obtained an Honorary Mention in the 8th edition of the Libertador Prize for Critical Thinking 2012, and I obtained the Frantz Fanon Prize 2015 for outstanding work enpensaiento caribeño (The Frantz Fanon Award for Outstanding Book in Caribbean Thought) by the Asociación Filosófica del Caribe. His most recent books are, Traversing the pandemic. Essays by four hands (Mexico, CEIICH–UNAM, 2021, co-authored with maría Haydeé García Bravo), Neoliberal Colonialism. Modernity, devastation and automatism of the market (Buenos Aires, Herramienta, 2018. Funded and directed De Raíz Diversa. Magazine specialized in Latin American Studies. Just obtained the First Place in the International Essay Contest “Aníbal Quijano Obregón”, of the Latin American Association of Sociology (ALAS).

Cover for Frantz Fanon and Édouard Glissant: eleven essays from the South
November 24, 2022