Migrations, Human Rights and Development in the European Union-Latin America relations


Georgina Guardatti (ed)
Universidad de Mendoza – Universidad de Zaragoza
Ángel Chueca Sancho (ed)
Zaragoza University
Fernando Arlettaz (ed)
Institute of Legal and Social Research "Dr. A. Gioja" - Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires
Keywords: Human Rights, Migrations, European Union, Latin America


This volume brings together a set of studies on some aspects of the complex relations between the European Union and Latin America. It has as its central axis Human Rights; From there, international migration and development are analyzed.
Bi-regional relations between both sides of the Atlantic represent a central theme on the stage of international relations in the 21st century. Both the European Union and its Member States and the Latin American International Organizations and their Member States assign to these reciprocal relations a transcendental importance in their respective agendas.

Anna Ayuso and Gemma Pinyol
Policies, instruments and dialogue for the governance of migration between the EU and LAC

Ángel Gregorio Chueca Sancho
Are Latin Americans right when they complain about European migration policy?

Georgina Alejandra Guardatti
Free movement of people in MERCOSUR

Nuria Camps and Eva Montoro
European cooperation with Latin America in favor of Human Rights and the fight against impunity

Fernando Arlettaz
Religious pluralism in Latin America and western Europe: the challenges of globalized modernity

Lucía Vinzón, Marta Pedraja Iglesias and Mercedes Marzo Navarro
Rural Tourism and sustainable regional development: The case of Argentina

Author Biographies

Georgina Guardatti, Universidad de Mendoza – Universidad de Zaragoza

Lawyer (University of Mendoza, Argentina). Official Master in Law Specialization and Research (University of Zaragoza). Member of the consolidated Research group on International Migration and Human Rights. PhD in Law (University of Zaragoza).

Ángel Chueca Sancho, Zaragoza University

Doctor of Law, Professor of Public International Law and RRII at the University of Zaragoza and member of the Research for Peace Seminar.

Fernando Arlettaz, Institute of Legal and Social Research "Dr. A. Gioja" - Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires

Lawyer (Universidad Católica Argentina). Diploma of Advanced Studies in Legal Sociology and Political Institutions (University of Zaragoza). Member of the Laboratory of Legal Sociology of the University of Zaragoza.

Cover for Migrations, Human Rights and Development in the European Union-Latin America relations
June 20, 2020